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Showing results 261 to 280 of 404

3639 450th Avenue Emmetsburg IA , 50536

240654 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
N/A Sqft
$159,900 Price
Farmers National Company, Michael Wentzel (712.852.2002)

26 Westview Drive #2 Milford IA , 51351

241351 MLS#
2 Baths
2 Beds
1152 Sqft
$159,000 Price
Jensen Real Estate, Amanda Lippon (712.339.5108) & Jensen Real Estate, Matt Lippon (712.330.0604)

1007 Broadway Street Emmetsburg IA , 50536

241309 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
4356 Sqft
$155,000 Price
Johnson Realty, Jayden Johnson (712.852.4921)

119 Denison Beach Lake View IA , 51450

241455 MLS#
1 Baths
3 Beds
1000 Sqft
$155,000 Price
Hometown Realty, Kelly Bierl (712.260.5711)

706 2nd Avenue Armstrong IA , 50514

241394 MLS#
2 Baths
4 Beds
2759 Sqft
$154,900 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Erica Schultes (712.336.3405)
Price Decreased

124 2nd Street Spencer IA , 51301

241229 MLS#
2 Baths
2 Beds
2270 Sqft
$154,000 Price
Northwest Iowa Realty, Kim Bates (712.580.4692)

8 5th St Spencer IA , 51301

241418 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
N/A Sqft
$149,900 Price
Integrity Real Estate, Ryan Moran (712.337.6500)
Price Decreased

314 Main Street Sioux Rapids IA , 50585

241242 MLS#
4 Baths
4 Beds
2234 Sqft
$149,000 Price
Hometown Realty, Kelly Bierl (712.260.5711)

311 5th Street Spencer IA , 51301

241350 MLS#
2 Baths
5 Beds
1750 Sqft
$149,000 Price
Northwest Iowa Realty, Sarah Stickler (712.580.4692)

26 Westview Drive #5 Milford IA , 51351

241314 MLS#
2 Baths
2 Beds
1152 Sqft
$145,000 Price
Jensen Real Estate, Matt Lippon (712.330.0604) & Jensen Real Estate, Amanda Lippon (712.339.5108)
Price Decreased

9 2nd Street Spencer IA , 51301

241337 MLS#
2 Baths
2 Beds
1860 Sqft
$145,000 Price
Hometown Realty, Kelly Bierl (712.260.5711)
Price Decreased

510 Lake Street Spirit Lake IA , 51360

241057 MLS#
2 Baths
3 Beds
1848 Sqft
$140,000 Price
RE/MAX Lakes Realty, Charlie Leissler (712.229.9809)

214 8th Street Spencer IA , 51301

241110 MLS#
3 Baths
3 Beds
1584 Sqft
$139,000 Price
Northwest Iowa Realty, Bryan Sebastian (712.580.4692)

118 Agora Street Marathon IA , 50565

240527 MLS#
2 Baths
3 Beds
2625 Sqft
$135,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest- Spencer/Emmetsburg, Dana Reinders (712.580.3948)
Price Decreased

13 Orange Street Kiron IA , 51448

240845 MLS#
3 Baths
3 Beds
2400 Sqft
$135,000 Price
Hometown Realty, Kelly Bierl (712.260.5711)
Price Decreased

1707 11th Street Emmetsburg IA , 50536

240908 MLS#
1 Baths
3 Beds
912 Sqft
$129,900 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Tracey Radcliffe (712.336.3405)

1102 4th Avenue Spencer IA , 51301

241384 MLS#
2 Baths
3 Beds
2178 Sqft
$129,500 Price
Ingvall Real Estate Team, Tricia Wempe (712.336.1121)

000 18th Street Spirit Lake IA , 51360

241121 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
18167 Sqft
$129,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest, Brad Sanderson (712.336.3405)

1605 Stern Street #8 Wahpeton IA , 51351

241184 MLS#
1 Baths
2 Beds
924 Sqft
$129,000 Price
Stauss Realty, Mark Leiss (712.332.2470)
Price Decreased

2104 Main Street Emmetsburg IA , 50536

230794 MLS#
N/A Baths
N/A Beds
2684 Sqft
$125,000 Price
EXIT Realty Midwest- Spencer/Emmetsburg, Dana Reinders (712.580.3948)


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